Harvey's avatar

Harvey Ford

AKA "Greenfoot5" Software Engineer

I am a recent graduate from Swansea University, currently searching for a job. Outside of my studies I volunteer with the Scouts and run Parkrun (I've almost reached 200). In my spare time I make games, and keep making them because people enjoy playing them.


Enchanted Arcenum icon
Enchanted: Arcenum Coming Soon
A revival of the Enchanted Discord bot currently in development making use of Discord's new interactions designed for bots.
Bestagon Defence is a non-repetitive tower defence. It uses modular upgrades and a randomised shop to make sure every game is new. The hard part is balancing it.
A castle siege Minecraft PVP server. Battle it out on maps (generally castle themed) to control as many flags as possible. Use the right kit at the right time, and you can easily come out on top.